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Allright - Confirmed date for this is the 18th of July, and here is our confirmed list of participants :o) I love seeing this thing get bigger and bigger...

James P
Dale Cooper
Ally McG
Mike Neilson
Stu McKinlay
Mr Cherry

Views: 180

Replies to This Discussion

Score sheet eh? I sorta like the idea of that!

Whats this about a waiting list tho? I guess we sorta have to cap it at a number otherwise we could end up with some hefty postage bills...

Id rather not cap it, but guess we have to, should we limit it to say, 25? Or is that too much? 25 would pretty much be a whole 19 litre batch...
25 sounds good to me - a 20kg ticket with a courier company costs the same as a 10kg one.
Courier ticket depends where it is being sent. NI to SI is 10kg on fastways - excess tickets for every 5kg from then on.

This reminds me... I owe Mike for the shipping last time.
Thats fine Stu just stick that caraaroma you said you got on the net so I can purchase some!!!!
I like the sound of Stu's suggestion - natural attrition. problem is, if we continue to brew a case full of such great beers, no-one will want to miss out.

It needs to be capped, imagine if it grew out beyond one batch? Too hard, in my opinion anyway. I like 15 as a cap.

It would suck to be in the bottom 3, is that really fair?
Bottom 3? Sounds like Home Brew Idol.
Attrition will probably work - I know that I wont be able to partcicpate every time.
I dunno, it seems harsh, I know I dont wanna ever be missing out ;oP lol
I'll start selling tickets...
I think 15 is good too.

That's in the range of half a batch for most people.

Don't wanna sound stingy but I dunno if I'd wanna get rid of a whole batch haha.
Then make sure you vote ;o)
All else fails, run a lottery, those who lost out get a guaranteed spot in the next swap.

Man, this case swap is just so passé now :p


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