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Gentlemen start your kettles!

CS3 was fantastic with some of the beers entered in the case swap winning medals at the SOBA NHC. A big congratulations to Mr Cherry for Torsion, an obvious favourite in the case swap which hit the numbers for the NHC judges.

Another big thank you to those who provided feedback on the beers, and Stu for his musically inspired feedback!

Only 16 places are available for the case swap so those who wish to be involved in CS4 please reply to this thread by September 25th so plans can be made. If we get more people than places we will run a lottery.

The date scheduled for the swap will be December 11th, which will hopefully make it possible to get our beers around the country without too many issues with the post (and make for an interesting Christmas).

Any issues or opinions, please let us know as there was quite a bit of discussion about this for CS3.


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Golden Ale is sorted.

Bottling in the next few days.

100% Kolsch
100% Sauvin

Tasting good from the fermenter. Not bitter like I was expecting, mellowed right out but you definitely get a good taste of the Sauvin.
Couple of quick Q's to kick off the day...

Where are the drop off / pick up locations? and Who do we hand over some coin to for any couriering costs?
Are you in wellington Matthew? I think you may have just volunteered yourself? ;o) lol

But seriously, we do need someone in welly who is able to act as the pick up/drop off and postage guy plz?
What exactly is required and when? I'm happy to help out but may need to recruit a helper depending on the time frame.
Wellington people get their beers to you by the chosen date, you split up the boxes for AKL and CHC and send them away by the chose date. Then Rev and I will do the same for our areas.
I was gonna put my latest smoked porter in the case swap:

Medium crystal

50 IBUs of southern cross @60, wilammette @15

OG 1.071


but.... after 2 weeks in the fermenter the bastard has stopped at 1.028, was planning on getting it down to 1.020.

Do you guys like'em sweet?:)
outside chance I'll brew a Brown Porter this weekend... otherwise it'll be one of my ordinary bitters (100% pacifica and pale; or 100% motueka and amber).
We all go Welly peeps? We've got some organising to do...

Mike N
Dale Cooper
Nolen Smith
Stu McKinley
Yip all good, let us know where to frop them off too, just tried my one now 1.060 to 1.012 in 3 days that yeast is one hungry son of a bitch, im not going to chuck the extra honey and sugars in as its dry and thin enough I think if I put the sugar in its going to end up to hot in alc.
Yep, bottled mine last weekend.
What day are we doing this again? 4th or 11th? I'm drinking the beer y'all would have had if we're doing it this w/e
if its next I'm about to bottle (once i find the motivation) something PA-ish and tasty. First ever non kit brew (so 2nd ever - i learn fast) and was inspired to AG it

91% Gladfields PA
9% Pale Crystal
NS and Willamette to 40IBU
We are going to be swapping them on w/e of 11th, and I'm bottling mine that weekend from the keg.

You'll finally get to try one of my pilsners..... a little young but still a pilsner. Probably not going to be a keeper given it's being counter pressure filled into plastic!


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