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Hi All
(Hopefully I didn't miss a thread here, I searched first!)
Just wanted to see if anyone has rhizomes available this year? I hear there is a shortage, however if there are any suppliers anyone knows of I would be keen to given them a go!

Maybe we can get a list of suppliers going? I see in the old forum that Stephen @ Hallertau may have been one of them, any ideas?


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Cheers Dan, anything show up?

I need to take some photos of mine. I have Green Bullets and Danscade in the ground. The Green bullets were planted 2 weeks before Danscades but the Danscades are going nuts. 4 bines off one rhizome between 20cm and 1m high another rhizome planted late has one bine at about 20cm too. The Green bullets are really slow growing. I'll try take a photo tomorrow to post.

we are going to have to get Danscades loaded in beersmith.....   

Danscade is going crazy here too... but my Smoothcone hasn't sprouted at all, I think they might just be bits of wood.

Now I just need to get some Chinook, Amarillo, Riwaka and Nugget rhizomes.. :-)

Is it too late to buy and plant one?

You probably won't get any useful amount of hops off it the first year anyway, but planting now will mean that next year will be its second year, so planting now will give it a head start.

Good enough for me, chasing down a supplier this week!  Riwake would be nice, shame it's not available :(

I would be keen on anything thats aromatic/flavour....

You're welcome to a cutting from mine, Liam. I have no idea what it is but it was originally from Tony's on Waiheke. Tom's got the same.

Just thought i would let you all know that Country Trading Company, http://www.countrytrading.co.nz/products/hoprhizomes ,

has got dormant hop rhizomes in stock now. I have just bought myself a green bullet and smooth cone. we will see how they go come spring. Just trying to decide if i should plant now or keep in the fridge a bit. If anyone has a danscade they are pruning soon i am keen on a rhizome of that to.

Shame they only sell those two varieties :(

Agreed.  Unfortunately it is unlikely we will see anything much more exciting than green bullet and smoothcone on the market in New Zealand.  All the local commercial varieties are heavily protected by plant variety rights and the growers.  And importation of plant matter from overseas as we all know, is strictly controlled.

I'd love to grow my own Cascade, Citra, Wai-Itit...  But it ain't going to happen unless I move to the States.


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