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Bit of a stuff up as I designed this beer for us-05 but the local brew shop had none the day after I brewed so I had to go with T-58, but the beer turned out quite balanced, well, you be the judge..

Ran out on the 16th bottle so unfortunately someone has a rogue NZ amber, be interesting to see if you can spot it ;)

Pour hard cos I carbonate low

20 litre batch

2.5kg Golden Promise
600g kolsch
600g wheat
200g caramunich 2
80g caraamber
80g caraaroma

30 - 15g centennial 9.2%
20 - 40g ahtanum 4.8%
15 - 15g amarillo 8.2%
5 - 20g ahtanum 4.8%
0 - 20g centennial, 10g amarillo

OG - 1.047
FG - 1.014
IBU - 40

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I'm no expert but I suspect my bottle was infected or oxidized unfortunately. The bottle was rock solid and gushed when I opened it, carbonation was really violent in the glass. It was extremely dry as if it had continued to ferment in the bottle and smelled/tasted a bit stale. I really couldn't say whether I got the Amber or the Belgian APA.  I think whatever the issue is seems to have stripped alot of the flavor and aroma away. Wish I was more experienced so I could give you a better idea of what was up

Looking forward to my first reviled beer.

It poured a slightly hazy coppery gold.  The nose was all belgian spice with maybe a hint of hop in their behind.  I found this a very decent belgian pale ale which I quaffed with great pleasure.  Interestingly the yeast was all over this beer masking allot of those big american hops although they start to come through the more I drank.  I've never used T-58 but it tastes like it would be a very able emergency belgian to have on hand. 

I'm always amazed at the power of yeast.  Put US05 into this and you'd have had a completely different beer.


Cheers Rev

Cheers for the feedback mate :o) Interesting...

Like Matt on opening the bottle it started to foam up to the lid, not violently but then it's been in the fridge for about 2 weeks so maybe that calmed it down. It has "Tool APA" on the cap. Anyway, fairly lively carbonation, is it bottled from the keg? Pours a clear deep gold, still bubbling away in the glass after 5 mins, not foaming up, just more like a heavily carbonated beer. Nice white head which has dropped back to just a small covering.

Not picking much aroma up so I covered the glass, gave it a swirl and inhaled deeply. I got a hint of fruitiness in there with some belgian like yeasty notes I guess. Kind of phenolic but not bad. Onto the taste, the heavy carbonation makes it feel very full and lively in the mouth. Fairly low key, cleanish flavours. A little bit of fruitiness there and good malt back bone. It's very dry on the finish and got a bit mouth puckering towards the end of the first glass. I think the yeast has stolen a lot of your hop flavour on this one Rev, almost too clean a yeast without giving you any major Belgian style to balance. However, I'm yet to get my head around most Belgian beers, I don't like banana and cloves in a beer so something like this certainly helps get me into the style, my gateway Belgian if you like! 

Would love to compare this to a re-brew with the 05. 


Hmm shit Im starting to wonder if I kegged this a bit too early. Def bottled from the keg so maybe it fermented a bit more in transit =/

I hear ya about not liking banana in beer and agree that the t58 is quite a good gateway yeast. I tried to keep things clean at 18*c but I think it would just be a bit more spicy if fermented warmer!

Great beer mate, very nicely balanced.. could hammer this one all night... cheers !


no issues when I popped the lid.

So I stuck this in the fridge but after reading the other comments I was a bit scared because the bottle was so hard I could as used it as an offensive weapon. I opened the top slowly and sure enough C02 was coming out like nobody's business. I've taken the lid off and the foam is streaming into the sink as I type this so I think I might get 1/2 - 2/3 of the bottle. Good thing is I've smelled it and it doesn't smell infected, I think its just carbed up to 11. I'll continue once it calms down and behaves.


OK worked out fine. poured it into my Pilner Urquell glass I nicked from a pub in the Czech republinc which holds about 600-650ml and it fitted perfectly. Nice amber colour, reasonably haze free with a fluffy/puffy white head. Has a real caramelly/maltiness to it. Has a firm bitterness without being harsh that lingers for a while. Has that Belgian flavor of phenolics and spice but with the fruity aroma and taste from the hops.

    An interesting beer and what I like about the CS, gives me a chance to see how these experiments work with none of the effort ;-)

Should probably have read the reviews  before opening. Rev blew his sticky load all over me, the missus and the kitchen floor ;)


She was pretty fizzy alright. Later pours produced a yeasty cloudiness - no nasty odours/off flavours so probably not infected.


Was a bit worried about the T-58. I have used this before on an ESB (dont ask) and fermented at 22deg C and was OTT peppery and mouth puckering fruity. Yours was far more subtle and rather enjoyable - tasting (without trying to sound naff)  more like a belgium than the recipe appeared. Couldn't get much american hops :(


Thanks Rev

Cheers John, apologise to your missus for me, I dont know what came over me :oP hahaha


Im thinking this has definately fermented out a bit more, I was thinking 1.014 was a bit too high. Would be interesting to see if it has dropped, id bet my pennies it has. Fuck...


Note to future drinkers - Vent first perhaps? :oS

Yeah, mine feels like it has got a fair bit of pressure built up inside... I might open it in the shed :)

You should probably vent it, then recap and drink another day :oP


If you feel like wasting 100mls of it wanna measure the FG for me?

sure, no worries.


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