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Allright - Confirmed date for this is the 18th of July, and here is our confirmed list of participants :o) I love seeing this thing get bigger and bigger...

James P
Dale Cooper
Ally McG
Mike Neilson
Stu McKinlay
Mr Cherry

Views: 180

Replies to This Discussion

I do like the idea of scoring sheets, however, it seems that quite a few people (me included) don't always brew to style. How about just structured, compulsory, honest feedback.

To be honest, I thought the feedback that I got from the last case swap was better than the feedback I got from last years NHC. That combined with tasting the other beers and reading the other tasting notes made for great beer/brewing education.
I agree with you Mr Cherry, I was happy with the tasting notes that were put up, but it should be compulsory :oP lol
Maybe the bottom three should be the 3 that provide the least feedback.
Hahaha, now youre talking mate!
I trust the NHC judges more than people I don't know, no matter how good their brews are. Judging and drinking for enjoyment are totally different things - I reckon we should keep this to enjoyment (or it'll start getting brutal). As for the notes... judging 100 x 60ml samples in a day is not as conducive to long descriptive notes as having one or two 750ml beers a night.

So... I prefer the lottery thing. Something like 3 in and 3 out each time, number could change depending on how many extras want in.

15 seems like a good cap to me. It is good to be able to keep some of your beer so that you can have a drink when reading other people's notes. especially if the notes aren't flattering.

Keep the ideas coming though...
I agree. My previous comment wasn't a dig at the NHC judges, it was more a plug for the case swap and how beneficial and educational I found it. It suprised me.

I vote for a cap at 15 too. Although I'd be dissapointed, I'd happily sit one out and take one for the team ;-)
Well, i sorta doubt it will get past 25, allthough I never thought it would get this big... I think 25 should be a safe cap for now, leave it at a full batch?
Can everyone please vote on a preferred cap number for bottles? Or could someone set up a poll thingy?

Do I get immunity from the lottery thing? ;oP lol
You're the first to lose a spot, just so you can be more efficient with organising it!
Typical ;oP Hey James, can you please set up another poll thingy for the capping number? Churr :o)
I like the Idea of case swapping more than NHC, but I dont care about awards, Alsoleast with the case swap you giving your beer to someone who puts as much care and thought into the beer as you did which makes it more enjoyable, dont get me wrong NHC is a good thing and the judges feedback would be the A+ for a style that you would of brewed but when you brew random shit like me then your fucked!! Also this way I get beer back!! None of the Judges are going to do that are they.
Damn, too slow to get in on the act! Maybe next time. Another option, although it means getting another 16 people involved is to have two seperate swap groups. Then you could continue to swap 1 box each and for each subsequent swap just change who is in which group. Just an idea.


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