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Well seeing as most people have finished their CS4 beers, I propose sorting a date and numbers for CS5...


As I will be away in march and april, im thinking late May early June?? That would give me enough time to get something done after I get back!


So who is keen?

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Hows it going to work with logistics this time with >15 people?
Random allocation of bottles by the local co-ordinators?
Itll be capped at 16 people, so closer to the time will be the final call for everyone who is still ken, then if theres more than 16 we will have to sort something out from there, draw names from a hat or an online lottery or something?
If there's still room I'd be keen to join up too.
I've got several planned brews coming up, any one of which could be used for the case swap...
Have we decided on a date yet?
Mooted date was end of May - Rev, are we still on schedule for that?
Crikey looks like I have a bit of brewing to do!! We should be on track for end of May, I might have to enter my WBC english brown into this one but well see what happens, no doubt ill probably end up hopping it American anywayz ;o)

Hows everyone else tracking for end of may??
I'm all good. Planning to brew mine in the next couple of weeks.
Mine's all done, been sitting in the dark conditioning for almost a month already!
What'd ya brew vdog? Feel free to throw up a CS5 recipe thread :o)
Mine's a big secret. Mainly coz if I tell you I'm worried that no-one else will want to participate :)
I'll put up a recipe thread later, but in the meantime, here's what it was/is:

Finished a little higher than I planned, but the IBUs help balance it I think. I haven't tried it from the bottle yet, only the keg, but pretty tasty so far IMO.
No decision has been made yet, but for postage purposes we need to keep it at 5 per place, maybe 6 for wellington to make it up to 16 people...

What do you guys think is a fair way of doing it? The first 5 people per place listed above to confirm they are still in get in? Or online lottery? What ya reckon??


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