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This one is a pseudo-pils, using 1056/S05 at lower temps. Hopefully all the bottles still have the sticker on the cap (JP).

4.00 kg Pilsner Malt
0.50 kg Munich Malt
0.20 kg Caramel/Crystal Malt - 20L

10.00 gm Southern Cross (60 min)
10.00 gm Nelson Sauvin (60 min)
15.00 gm Riwaka [7.00 %] (10 min)
10.00 gm Nelson Sauvin [12.50 %] (10 min)
15.00 gm NZ Cascade [7.00 %] (0 min)
15.00 gm Nelson Sauvin [12.50 %] (0 min)

1.00 tsp Irish Moss (Boil 10.0 min) Misc
2ml tsp Lactic Acid (Mash 90.0 min)
7.5 gm Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash 90.0 min) Misc 

1 Pkgs SafAle American Ale (DCL Yeast #S-05) Yeast-Ale 20C -> 15C three weeks


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Are you still a no-chiller James?
No longer a no-chiller, I got myself an immersion chiller.
Had this one tonight as I cooked my tea. Lovely sweet floral nose with hints of grapefruit, though looking at the recipe I'm thinking there shouldn;t be anything floral going on, but the malt sweetness was excellent. Nice persistent off white head and golden coloured with flashes of amber.
Nice malt body sweetness with a clean finish. Well brewed JP, i thought this one walked the line between PA and Pils - sort of like a thinking mans cooking lager.

Thanks Ally, yeah there is a little more floral than I was expecting but not too bad none the less. Definitely more PA than pils!
Second case swap beer for me, it seems I'm starting with the Chch beers first.

Poured a nice clear orange colour with a small short lasting white head. Carbonation was quite low, a lot lower than I expected (damn expectations!). Aroma of some kind of citrus, oranges? and caramel. There was a tomato vine aroma in there for me too, could be the Sauvin but seemed vegetal to me and got stonger as it warmed. Maybe a little musty. Nothing offensive in there, just some complex aromas going on. Flavours were nicely balanced with prominent caramel sweetness and firm bitterness making for a nicely drinkable beer along with a solid hop flavour to keep me interested all the way too the bottom. A little lace from the second glass.

A nice, well brewed beer. An easy drinker that I could definitely drink more of. For me personally, the Sauvin flavour would prevent me from drinking it all night, but 3 or 4 certainly wouldn't go amiss. Maybe a little less crystal would make it even more drinkable.

Cheers J
Thanks Mr C, it's probably aging quicker than I expected. I've dropped the carbonation on most of my beers as I found myself burping more than drinking!

Sauvin shouldn't give vegetal thus I'd say my dodgy brewing skills, or aging grain stock. Excuses....
Just sharing this with Mark Kessell as we wait for my Oktoberfest mash to finish. Pours crystal clear, golden in colour, nice thin whispy white head. Aroma is light and fruity, good carbonation. Taste wise picking up some lemony type flavours, a little sour but not in a bad way, just citrus but not tarty citrus. Nice balanced bitterness. Very light and clean beer, very well brewed mate. I reckon it's a little like Mac's Hoprocker but more restrained with the Sauvin, which personally I'm preferring. As others have mentioned, a little malty and not quite crisp enough for a pils, but a great beer none the less. Awesome start to the afternoon!

We were wondering did you plan the hop combo/amounts to counter the Sauvin or is that just how you like it? We thought the hops were well balanced, Sauvin in the background trying to come forward, but the other hops were keeping it in check.
Thanks Jacko. I think I scared myself with the Nelson Sauvin in the past, so now I tame the additions down a little, but the combination of hops (Riwaka and South X) was purely a "what have I got to use" decision!

Given it works, I could do it again.
Looks great - impressive clarity, great rich colour. Has a sweet NZ hop aroma and candyish malt note, a little spice. A solid mouthfeel and firm bitterness, slightly grassy, and good lingering fruity hop flavour. Had to check if there was any any water treatment and was not surprised there was - great water balance, keeps hops showing through while allowing that malt richness to carry it.

A little diacetyl detracts from what is otherwise a splendid beer. I see Nathan picked a slickness too, which is probably the same thing... a little butter on the nose, which is lifted by the sweet hop, and a slight slickness in the mouth. It is at a fault level for NZ Pils or new world Pale but would be fine in a English Pale. You'd squeeze the diacetyl through the eye of a needle, even on a camel's back, so it didn't stop me enjoying the bottle and wishing there was another.

Nice work JP. South Island realbeer boys are making some top beer.
Lovely golden colour with a small chill haze. Grapefruit and sweet malt aroma. Nice sauvin hop flavour backed up by crystal sweetness. The sweetness lingers a bit too long on the finish for a pils.

Enjoyed drinking this one. Another great beer from CS5. Thanks James!!
Thanks crabbe, Stu, and haish for the comments.

I have to remember to run the diacetyl rest for these lower temp ferments, just too eager to get them into cold conditioning!
Should really have written the notes up last week after I drank it, so apologies for brevity here:

Poured really nice and clear, very definite sauvin on the nose. Good balance between the malt and the hops, nice clean finish. Very drinkable indeed, a great way to finish the swap for me. Seems like a beer that you could drink all year round without it seeming 'out of season' - close enough to a PA to still be satisfying when it's cold outside, and close enough to a pils to be really quenching on those hot days. Well brewed, cheers for sharing it James.


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