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My top three case swap beers, in no particular order:

Al's Northern English Brown
Bazza's Bitter
DB Weizen

All were beers I could drink a few pints of and that I'd definitely say were of medal winning standard if I were actually judging them against a style (though al's might have to change style to Brown Porter)...

Overall I was more than happy with the quality of the beer (and the labels, though some of the names could have done with some work ;-). Loved the whole process... getting the beer, photograping, sniffing and sipping, then just sitting back and drinking.

I'm amped about the next one and hope I can up the ante (I'm sure everyone thinks that to a degree).

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Mine was definately quite Hoppy in aroma and taste. I can still clearly remember it.
The hops were floral and strong yet gentle like the hero of a romantic novel. If you brew that one again Barry, I think you should call it "Fabio".

The hops reminded me of Bookbinder but without the Riwaka (Fuggles or Styrian). I even wrote down "Bookbinder meets Hoprocker" when I was taking notes but that sounded stupid when I was typing the feed back so I omitted it.

At the time I recall noticing a Maris Otter background that got stronger as it warmed along with the S-04 creeping also. I didn't pickup much (if any) crystal malt. A very simple beer.

I guess we'll never know but I wouldn't be surprised if I was the lucky recipient.

That's all I have time for now, I have to go and buy a lotto ticket, KTHNXBAI.
Was the Pale Ale dry hopped? My initial thought was dry hopping.
If you thought dry hopping, I'd definitely say you got the pale ale.
The ordinary was a classically subtle ordinary bitter, predominately Maris Otter, 3% crystal, very subtle additions of NZ Styrian goldings - 30gm at start, 15gm at flame out.

The pale was Maris Otter, 5% crystal, Mixture of NZ Styrians and NZ Cascade - 30gm at 60', 40gm at 15' 40gm at 5', 30gm at flameout.

The difference would be fairly obvious side by side :)
Cheers Barry. That explains why my feedback was different than the others. That Bookbinder comment I made seemed out of place compared to the other descriptions but looking at that hopping it looks like it would be in the ballpark. Phew!
The three standouts for me, in no order

Black Francis
Ged's APA
Digital IPA

All the beers were great, but those three for me, had the 'X' factor or some shit.
bazza's bitter
al's brown
mike's ryepa

nah fuckit - they were all awesome!


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