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As usual I got up to my old tricks - there's 2 different beers from me in the swap. There was going to be 3...

7 lucky winners will get sexual. chocolate.
American brown ale
Writing this at work without the help of my notebook so bear with. I'll update tonight with a more accurate recipe.

Maris Otter, Munich, crystal, dark crystal, pale chocolate, cara-aroma.
Southern Cross for bittering, Amarillo for flavour and aroma (120gm spread across the last 20 minutes)
Wyeast 1272 American Ale II
OG 1.052, FG 1.011

8 lucky winners will get a southern English brown
Similar malt bill but no Munich.
Bittered with Southern Cross and a 5 minute addition of NZ Styrians
OG 1.044, FG 1.008 (finished way too dry)
Wyeast 1768 PC English Special Bitter

Both are bottled from keg so are good to go.

Views: 107

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English brown for me. Pours a deep brown with a smallish off white head. Delicious maltiness, dark toffee, milk chocolate and a hint of coffee. There is also a nutty flavour, presumably esters from the yeast. A little thin on the finish (low mash temp?). There can't be too much cara-aroma in there as I find it really stands out.

Lovely beer, thanks Barry! I'd drink another...
I got the English Brown. Pours with nice head that has lasted the whole glass. Slight malt aroma on the nose. First mouthful and got a big bitterness and not much malt but it was way to cold. Let it warm up and nice delicate malt flavours coming through balancing the bitterness. Enjoyed it Barry thanks very much.


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