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Thanks to all for an excellent turn out in February and to Hallertau for hosting. For the first time ever, we had a tie for third place. So we made up a rule to deal with it: The two brewers sharing third, had to negotiate between them for the next style. 

Therefore, everyone can thank (or not) Bret and Dan for choosing the next style: Belgian Tripel. Style guide follows from the Brewer's Association. They are American based so don't blame me for the spelling.

Tripels are often characterized by a complex, sometimes mild spicy character. Clove-like phenolic flavor and aroma may be  evident at extremely low levels. Yeast-generated fruity esters, including banana, are also common, but not necessary. These  pale/light-colored ales may finish sweet, though any sweet finish should be light. The beer is characteristically medium and clean in body with an equalizing hop/malt balance and a perception of medium to medium high hop bitterness. Traditional Belgian Tripels
are often well attenuated. Brewing sugar may be used to lighten the perception of body. Its sweetness will come from very pale malts. There should not be character from any roasted or dark malts. Low hop flavor is acceptable. Alcohol strength and flavor 
should be perceived as evident. Head retention is dense and mousse-like. Chill haze is acceptable at low serving temperatures. Traditional Tripels are bottle conditioned, may exhibit slight yeast haze but the yeast should not be intentionally roused. Oxidative 
character if evident in aged Tripels should be mild and pleasant.
Original Gravity (ºPlato) 1.070-1.092 (17-22 ºPlato) ● Apparent Extract/Final Gravity (ºPlato) 1.010-1.018 (2.5-4.5 ºPlato) ● 
Alcohol by Weight (Volume) 5.6-8.0% (7.0-10.0%) ● Bitterness (IBU) 20-45 ● Color SRM (EBC) 4-9 (8-18 EBC

Once again we will meet at Hallertau, 3:00 for judging (if you would like to be considered for judge, please let me know). Please bring two bottles (one for judging, one to share with the rest of us). You are also encouraged to bring other examples of your homebrew to share, or offer up for comments, suggestions, envy..... 

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We decided to define the style as listed in BJCP so we could accurately judge.

I will post a new thread this weekend

Cheers to all who attended. 

Thanks Barbara - makes sense (and a damn sight less difficult for the judges who have a tough job as it is  :)!  Cheers.  Now to seeing whether an entry is doable given zero experience with lager yeasts.


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