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Hey guys did a new brew today using a recipe I was given from  my good mate Peter, as a birthday pressie a couple of weeks ago. Today I brewed it and went very well, (must be getting better with practice?).

So a brief run down of how it went...mash was great held at a good temp the whole time no spikes of temp at all was around 68C to 67.4C started with a strike water of 35L and started my pre boil with 32L or slightly under. my post boil was 24L? and in fermenter with just under 22L very pleased only a couple of issues, first my brilliant hop spider's hop sock was too short, I made it smaller to keep it off the bottom out of fear of burning it, but the height of boil gets lower and lower. my OG was 1.052 or 1.054 so pretty close only my digital thermometer broke (bloody cheap Chinese thing was only 4 bucks) anyone have a good one for sale? so that's it here are some pics. That last photo is of the hop trub from hop spider sock!!!



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great malts like Pils, Vienna, crystal light and carapils, great hops like nelson Sauvin, Motueka, and Cascade. and a huge 90 min boil too :-)


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