The Real Hawke's Bay

Who cares about wine...? Wouldn't you rather get together, drink good beer and swap recipes, ideas etc... Of course you would.

Hb Amateur Winemakers and Brewers

Hey Brewers ... and Brewsters

It's obvious that the only organised meeting place for Brewers of all Classes(ie Kits,extracts and All Grain in Hawkes Bay is HB Amateur W &B Club. Yes I know it's got lots of Winemakers as well but you can learn something about fermentation from them. We ran the Amateur national competitions last weekend and I'm proud to say some of the Best of Class entries were won by locals. We didn't let those Aucklanders get away with all the trophys.  So why not come along and meet the locals who are keen to brew better beers. Membership is only $10 for the remaining half year. Give me a call and I'll tell you what membership can do for your brewing! Phone David Grant 8354498, cheers!