Christchurch Case Swap

Forum to discuss case swaps for the Christchurch Crew. Feedback on beers tasted, recipes and any questions and answers.

CS1 - Oli and Mike's Bitter (B1 and B2)

Session Bitter recipe from Brewing Classic Styles. Brewed at Olis place with chilly-bin mashtun and 100L boil kettle. Pre boil wort yielded high gravity and so upped projected volume from 45L to 50L so as to not be to high OG for style. Missed our boil off volume by a fair margin (10L I think) and so instead of 50L of Session Bitter we ended up with 40L of Best Bitter at 4.7%. Split into two fermenters, B1 (Plastic) and B2 (glass). Fermented in the same fermentation fridge with STC1000 probe attached to B2, at 19C. I'm sure Oli can fill in anything I've missed/messed up.

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    Paul Finney


    Very similar to B1, no noticable difference.

    If anything the head retention was not as good, although both poured with too much head. Maybe it was my jug after having the first one in it.

    Again a hint of diacetyl (i hope i am spelling this correctly, i can't be bothered to google it!) but not overpowering.

    So like the B1, a nice bitter. Probably just in need with a bit of a tweak, but a good first effort. The yeast is a bit troublesome, so maybe we both need to work with it a bit more to find out how it reacts

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      For the B2

      Gusher! Way overcarbed? Does not really taste infected… I would guess it was bottled with too much residual sugar in the brew.

      Yeasty notes  on the nose with some fruity esters and a little earthy/spicy hop.

      Nice copper colour, huge head that dies back to a coarse thin head. Colour and head seem spot on for a bitter.

      Some strange flavour that I am having trouble describing in initial taste, might be the EKG? I have not brewed with them much. Goes through to a toffee/caramel then the hop bite finishes it off. An earthy aftertaste hangs around for a long time afterwards (again EKG?).

      Medium sort of mouthfeel, seems appropriate for style.

      Did you guys adjust your water? Gypsum (CaSO4)? I am getting some sulphur type notes? 

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      Poured very carbonated and gushy, but de-gassed quickly in the glass as II drank it at about 14C.

      Malt on the nose and a sharp, slightly biting yeasty note indicative of the agitated yeast in the bottle.

      Nice flavour: malty and just sweet enough with the brown providing a nice depth, fruity but restrained. Earthy, spicy hops that are subtle and integrated. Mouthfeel was satisfying and rich once the fizz settled down. I think this would be great without the yeast turbidity.

      The one thing I'd note other than the carbonation (this is personal so free to ignore me… and it could just be the yeast screwing with my tastebuds), is that I'm not so fond of Gladfield Ale. Don't know why, but it has a slightly…metallic for lack of a better word flavour that doesn't do it for me. I reckon this beer would be better with Maris Otter or the clean, bright nutty character of Golden Promise. Very enjoyable, balanced bitter though. I see I'm going to have to pull one out of the bag for that bitter comp you were talking about Mike…

