The Recipe Exchange

A place to find and discuss different recipes for different styles of beer. Start a new discussion / thread with the beer style you are looking for.

All of my recipes

Before leaving Wellington I had a few people ask for various recipes of mine.  I promised them I'd put all of them up here for people to copy/learn from/have a laugh at.

So here, in all its glory, is my full Beersmith Brew Log from the past 3+ years of all grain brewing in Wellington: llews%20recipes.bsm

The brewing notes are often a bit fuzzy, and since I didn't have temperature control during fermentation, the ferment sections are often a bit off, or sometimes not filled in at all.

I'd be happy to answer questions if anyone has any, but since we'll be traveling it may take a while 'til I get round to it.

Happy Brewing!


  • up

    Brent Marquis

    Awesome, thanks!
    As a newbie, that should give me plenty to read and get ideas from.

    • up

      Nathan Murrell

      That's a great idea!

