
Profile Information:

Favorite Beers?
Bookbinder, Epic Pale Ale, Emersons IPA, Pitchblack
Favorite Breweries?
Emersons, Invercargill Brewery
Favorite Bars/Pubs?
Tonic Bar, Eureka

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  • delMonte

    Hey Brendan, are you interested in touring Wigram on 2 or 9th of Aug?
  • HerrSchnapps

    Hey, whats that that 70L SS pot off trademe like? I'm still looking at getting the 41L SS one but at that price it kind of looks too good to be true, plus I don't have the money to be burnt (so to speak) so I'd be interested in how your one turned out/goes.
  • HerrSchnapps

    Cheers, just bought the 41L SS pot for $83. Here comes all grain!