
36, Male


New Zealand

Profile Information:

Favorite Beers?
Emersons - Old 95 and Bookbinder, Epic Pale Ale, Rodenbach Grand Cru.
Favorite Breweries?
Wigrim, Epic/Steam, Emerson's, Galbraith's.
Favorite Bars/Pubs?
Galbraith's, Hallertau, Showies.
About Me:
Homebrewer and beer lover.

"Work is the curse of the drinking class."

Comment Wall:

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  • Tony

    Which suburb are you in?
  • Dale Cooper

    Hi there,

    Thanks for offering me that hop, my email address is

  • JoKing

    Thanks as well... email me and let me know what day suits for a trade. I'll come out and meet you if you like.
  • Horace

    Ill take that refrac off you

  • Reviled

    hey mate, not sure if this is of interest to ya...
  • nzbrewer

    no worries, I just like to keep the comments going especially where they are fun, and a good discussion.

    Price is relative, and a $20 six pack has they same number of standard drinks as a $20 bottle of wine. Most people can afford the best beer in the world, but not so with wine.
  • Reviled

    Good to hear buddy, just post up that youll be in, then we can all vote on a date... Its looking to be either end of Feb to mid March some time, give us all a bit o time to get our shit sorted...

  • JoKing

    Thanks for the headswell bro.

    Id half the Caramalt / crystal additions if you are going for a US style IPA. Total of 250 grams. Just use your UK malt to make up the difference. As far as the hops go, it looks good - but you have to dry hop it afterwards. You can keep the hop bill you have chosen - then additionally dry hop with 60-100 grams of pellets (if you have them). Amarillo is the bee's knees - so is Simcoe (if you want to use it).

    I will be brewing a standard APA tomorrow with:

    Golden Promise: 4.8kg
    Caramalt: .2kg
    Nugget: 30g 60mins 11.6 AA
    Simcoe 25g 10min 12.3
    Amarillo 25g 10min 8.6
    Amarillo 25g 0min 12.3
    Simcoe 25g 0min 8.6
    Amarillo 50g Dry Hop
    Simcoe 50g Dry Hop.

    Total IBU 75g Ragar

    If you're not a hop fiend - dont dry hop it - but true to style means that you have to put half the hop bill into the dry hop portion (rule of thumb).

    Let me know what you think.
  • JoKing

    Dropping the Crystal is up to you though... 500g total seems like a lot! You have to mash at like 65 if you wanted to keep that grist. The whole idea is to finish at 1.012 any more than that, and it'll be too sweet.

    Take a look at this

    I brewed it up on the farm for my brother on New Years. It finished at 1012 and Daniel recons it smells like sweaty oranges! He thinks it is one of the best brews I've ever done! The Carapils was for head retention but I didn't really want to use it.

    Maybe you could go 100g of Crystal and 250g Caramel.

  • Ged

    That beer sculpture is a thing of beauty...How the hell do you plan on feeding enough gas to the 3x4 ring burners mate?
  • JoKing

    Go for it Bro - all those hops are the shit! You want the most skunky smelling hops in your dry hop: the freshest would be the best. Centennial is WAY more citrussy than the spicy colombus. I'm a massive fan of citrus - so I'd tend to lean towards centennial. And then I'd dry hop with Centennial too! (But thats me). Columbus has a similar profile as NZ Cascade IMO so that would be a cheap sub.

    1.070 = go for it.
    100IBU go for it!

    Cheers bro!
  • Stu McKinlay

    Just go quote. Shipping will be free if it's just that.
  • JoKing

    Are you coming along to the Kumeu today bro?
  • JoKing

    Cool! I can come round for the kegging cerimony if you want... I'm in the A Land for a fortnight.
  • JoKing

    Cheers for the invite Brother Glen. I'll have to see how it goes because I have no car! I'll be scabbing some wheels to head South (East).

    Cheers mate!
  • JoKing

    Sweet as, my man. Would be freeking AWESOME to see your new setup in action...

    Might have to rethink my mode of transport...
  • JoKing

    Chur bo'.

    My Danscade is nearly ready to harvest... Thanks once again for the Rhizome. The aroma isn't synonimous with cascade - however there is still the grapefruit. I smell Lemon, Mandarin Peel and cat piss. It is good!

    It may find its way into the Irish Red!
  • JoKing

    Yeah #5's are the shit bro. How many did you get? I had a box of 25 for my weddin, and there is only 3 left. I'll have them with my Dad, and my Father'n'Law when the baby is born. Should be a good time - hopefully they haven't gone mouldy.

    How many are you getting? I can scab one on a brewday next time I come up... which reminds me... I'll be coming up on the 30th of May for the Red Ale competition - are you keen to get on board with this?
  • studio1

    hey - have you loaded akl water settings into Beersmith?
  • studio1

    Mission Bay - which I think would be off Onehunga. Are mg/L the same as ppm?
  • studio1

    chur chur.
  • JoKing

    Bro - should be there about 12 - 2 pm tomorrow. Get stuck in.
  • Pilgrim

    Hey Denimglen,

    I'm thinking about getting a ss pot from the joker on TradeMe. He currently has 56 litre and 80 litre. Do you reckon the 56 litre would be ok for mainly 20 litre brews or would I be better off with something smaller? I'm thinking that the 56er would allow me to occasionally do a 40 litre brew to fill 2 kegs. Not sure whether only partially filling a big pot would have any negatives.

  • Pilgrim

    Thanks for that. Much appreciated.
  • JoKing

    Hey bro.

    I bought them off Steve at Hallertau a year ago or so. Cant remember what they were worth... a hundy each setup maybe? They are ventmatic taps... had a look the other day.
  • JoKing

    Happy 21st bro. Many happy returns, and many hangovers too.
  • Reviled

    Happy birthday mate, hope you dont get too pissed ;o)
  • Reviled

    Havnt brewed it yet mate, will most likely be getting my grain milled tonight and either brew tomorrow or in the weekend...

    Dont worry about conversion mate, seriously! Itll be sweet :o) Germans brew 100% Munich beers all the time, im just gonna do a 90 min mash.. Im confident :o)
  • studio1

    what about just making one like beer belly sell? get a 40l chinese stainless pot and insulate it with something (I've found camping mat material a pretty good insulater - though he uses rubber). Add a falsie, weldless tap and bob's you aunty?

    You have a keg MLT don't you? have you tried insulating it?
  • Mike Neilson

    Bro can you give me a break down on what you used for your site glasses?
  • studio1

    how much do they want for the rubbermaid? I might get mine in the states later this year. Why not run a false bottom?
  • studio1

    Beerbelly have one too. Why not PVC? chemical leech? You could always run copper across?
  • Alelover

    Hi, can I just ask, is your tempmate kept inside the fridge or outside? Cheers
  • Alelover

    Luckily thats the way i went, but cheers anyway! Works a treat.
  • JoKing

    If you have a Perlick Tap, unscrew the nozel. Then you need to get some plastic (I use some ice vream container plastic) and cut a disc that has an interfearance fit (slightly bigger than the end of the thread of the nozel) so that it will seal between the faucet and the nozel. Once you cut it to fit (took me a few hours) puncture it with half a dozen holes with a drawing pin.

    Then fit it, and make a seal. Make sure have have less than 1 vol of CO2 in the beer, and serve at 1 - 2 bar. It squirts out pretty hard - so beware. Also, dont chill the beer below 14 degrees, otherwise it;ll suck up the CO2 and you'll never serve it through that nozel.

    Good luck holmes.
  • JoKing

    Brother - that would be cool... but I'm coming up in 4 weeks - so bring some along to the WBC at Hallertau... and bring an IPA too....
  • nzbrewer

    Showies favorite pub , awesome
  • Toot

    Hey how did your helles munich turn out that you brewed in April? Thinking of doing something similar. What sort of flavor does the melanoidin impart?
  • Toot

    One more question!? Was the single infusion mash all good with the pilsner Malt?
  • Nick T

    Hi Glen, thanks for posting those recipes from the awards, most of them are ones I was eying up last night in BCS for future brews, I was amazed! Well done on the gold. I have a bit of a newbie question (hence not posting on that thread) - the amber ale, you use 2 pkgs of yeast, but for the brown ale only one, but grain totals are about the same - why the difference in yeast quantities? (I am keen on doing an amber as I really like the TH RNA, will be a nice follow up to Yakima Monster - once I figure out the Bohemian Pilsner for my wife, and then there is the stout and a TT Landlord... oh the list goes on, I see why you have done so many AG brews in a year!!)
  • Nick T

    I've been meaning to dredge through the forum posts and make a list of the T,T,F,F LA's that are used, but haven't quite got to it yet. Will have a look at it next week or two if that is any help.
  • Reviled

    Hows your flanders going?
  • Nick T

    Hi Glen, you recently posted "Immersion chillers clog, and when they do it's not fun." Were you referring to blockages during recirculation with a whirlpool, or did you mean plate chillers? Just debating the merits with Joking of having a second (higher) outlet on a kettle he is making for me to avoid blockages problems with recircualting wort - he reckons its not a problem. Any thoughts?
  • studio1

    hey bro, hows it all going?

    just wondering if you have done anything with your kegs?? I'm looking to upsize my kettle to do double batches - figured a keg would be perfect. I'd offer you something decent for one with fittings?
  • studio1

  • Doublehoppy

    Hi Glen,

    What was the name of the lab place you mentioned on Saturday? I want to buy a set of very precise scales for weighing salts?

  • Reviled

    Happy birthday mate! Will have a brew or 3 for ya tonight ;o)
  • James P

    Happy Birthday DG!
  • JoKing

    Happy Birthday bitsh.... Have an imperial red for me!
  • Dale

    Happy Birthday buddy don't work too hard!!!!!