


New Zealand

Profile Information:

Favorite Beers?
Stout! Youngs Chocolate, Youngs London Ale, Leffe Brun, Pink Elephant Imperious Rushin Stowt.
Favorite Breweries?
Pink Elephant, Emersons, Sunshine brewery
Favorite Bars/Pubs?
Smash Palace!

Comment Wall:

  • JoKing

    Hey Toot - I'm in NP and can give you Rhizomes of both Danscade and Smoothcone if you're interested. I'll chuck them in a courier bag on Thursday.
  • JoKing

    Gidday mate - Haven't forgotten about your hop plants... just waiting for a bit of action to see which ones will grow for you.
  • JoKing

    Hey Toot... looks like there is some action on my Smoothcone. My Danscade isn't doing anything though... What's your address again? - I'll send that plant down on Monday.