Us cascade vs nz cascade

So I have gotten a hold of a "us cascade" hop plant which is doing great. Question is what separates the nz and us strains. Is it the plant it's self or is it the country/climate it grows in. Google hasn't helped me on this one. I'm not phased just wondering what to expect
  • Crusader-Rob

    I think they're different plants.

    NZ Cascade  is actually no longer considered cascade because of the stark differences.

    Its being called Taiheke now.

  • Kroydon

    Sweet, I had thought so, thought there would be no harm in asking
  • Doug

    Taiheke formerly called New Zealand Cascade originated from the USA as USDA 56013. Genetically it's more than likely the same as US Cascade however over several years of selection and varying growing conditions it's brewing characteristics had altered to a point where it was no longer considered to be true to type. It is difficult to know whether a hop plant is or isn't as sold or if a variety is being passed off as something else, but if you're happy with the beer it makes it's probably not that important. My only other comment would be for everyone to  please be aware of the serious bio-security risks that exist in the importation of hop plants or material.